Rock Cakes

225g self-raising flour
75g sugar
1 tsp baking powder
125g butter
150g currants or raisins
1 egg
1 tblsp milk

Mix everything together.

If you like vanilla, add 2 tsp of vanilla essence. Or if you like nutmeg and cloves, sprinkle a little of that in the mix and give it another stir.

Put small balls of mixture on grease-proof paper on an oven tray.

15-20 mins 180C oven.

Bread Pudding

Put 250g of bread and 350ml of milk in a bowl to soak.

Grate the outside of an orange. Mix in a bowl with lots of sultanas. Add some nutmeg too if you like. Add the squeezed orange juice for a more orangey taste.


100g brown sugar
2 eggs and
50g of soft butter

to the fruit and grated orange and mix it together.

Add in the bread/milk to the rest and mix until smoothish.

180C oven for 50 minutes

Your Average Basic Muffin

1 egg
120ml milk
200g flour
100g sugar
2tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
4 tblsp veg oil

Beat egg, add milk & oil

Mix flour, sugar, baking powder & salt

Add egg mix to flour mix and mix together - should be lumpy

Add in sultanas or chocolate chips if you fancy?

Put mixture in muffin cases on a baking tray.

180C oven for 20 - 25 mins

Ali's Ginger Biscuits

170g self-raising flour
115g butter
85g sugar
1 tblsp golden syrup
1/2 tsp baking powder
1tsp ground ginger

Melt butter & syrup to nearly boiling

Pour over the rest

Make into balls

Put on greased tray and flatten with a fork

Put in 150C oven for 10mins

Apple & Other Fruits Crumble

The crumble:

300g flour
150g sugar
120g butter (nearly melted)

mix loosely together by hand

The fruit bit:

Two largish bramley apples cut up into quite small slices.
Some frozen fruits-of-the-forest fruit (Tescos is good, sorry for the advert) so you have blackberries, redcurrants, raspberries, black currants etc

Put fruit in bottom of large baking dish - do not cook the fruit beforehand.

Sprinkle crumble on top.

190C oven for 40mins

PS I am reliably informed that Waitrose Summer Fruits and Waitrose Black Forest Fruits are suitable frozen fruit alternatives :-)

Brownies (with kidney beans!)

1 tsp vinegar
1 can kidney beans
2 eggs
65g cocoa powder
100g sugar
1/2 tsp oil
1 tblsp milk
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda

(extra - some cooking chocolate... smash into very small pieces and add to the mix just before it goes in the oven)

whizz ingredients in some sort of food processor

20mins in 180C oven

Simple Oat Biscuits

75g self-raising flour
75g porridge oats
50g sugar
75g butter
1 tblsp golden syrup
1 tblsp milk

Mix dry ingredients

Melt wet ingredients in saucepan and mix into the dry ingredients.

180C oven for 10-15mins

Ali's Fruit Loaf

200g sugar 
150g raisins/&sultanas 
230ml water 
240g self-raising flour 
115g marg or butter 
1 egg

Put sugar fruit and water in pan and bring to boil then add 1 tspn baking powder and stir for a minute leave to cool 

When cool add flour and eggs put in lined tin and cook 180C for a while - may be longer than 20 mins